



这辑广告的素质十分高,连新加坡广告界相当受尊崇的广告大师Neil French,也认为是 “probably the best-synergized campaign, across all media that he has ever seen”. 广告由新加坡O&M广告公司创作,创作人是Eugene Cheong 及 Pei Pei Ng。平面广告共有24个不同版本,全部都是黑底白纸的纯字稿。以下是有人尝试译了一部分与大家分享。神不只是那个高高在上的神,乃是那位愿意和大家一起 分享喜与悲的神。   

1. If you miss the sunrise I made for you today, never mind. I’ll make you another one tomorrow. — God

假如你错过了今天我为你准备的日出,不要紧,明天我再为你准备。 ——上帝

2. Don’t forget your umbrella, I might water the plants today. — God

上街请记得带伞,今天我也许要浇浇花。 ——上帝

3.  How can you possibly be a self-made man? I specifically recall creating you. — God

你怎么会不是我创造的?怎么创造你的我记得特别清楚。 ——上帝

4. Of course I have a sense of humor. I gave you the platypus, didn’t I? — God

我当然有幽默感,我不是为你们创造了鸭嘴兽吗? ——上帝

5. It’s not the end of the world. Not until I say so, anyway. — God


6. I hate rules. That’s why I only made ten of them. — God

我讨厌戒条,所以只定了十条而已。 ——上帝

7.  If you think the Mona Lisa is stunning, you should look at my masterpiece. In the mirror.? — God


8. If I gave you everything you asked for, where would you put it?—God

要是你所求的我全都给你,你哪有那么多地方摆? ——上帝

9. What do I have to do to get your attention? Take out an ad in the paper?— God

怎样才能让你注意到我?抽掉所有报纸广告吗? ——上帝 

10.  Nietzsche is dead. — God

尼采已死。 ——上帝

11. 我当然知道做人难,别忘了你是我做的。 ——上帝

12. 酒后别开车,我知道你还不想见我。 ——上帝

13. 我是完美主义者,不信你照照镜子。 ——上帝

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